
Announcing the Relaunch of PAC’s Simulation Courses

PAC is excited to announce the relaunch of our Methods of Simulation course suite, available early 2021!

As simulation experts, we know firsthand how important it is to pass the National Simulator Program (NSP) qualification test successfully – and how devastating a failure could be. A qualified simulator is a vital component of any aviation program. Delays in qualification can cause schedules to slide, budgets to be overrun, and for the value of your simulator to decrease in the eye of the operator.

What if there was a way to prepare for the NSP qualification with confidence? That’s exactly what our flagship suite of courses, Methods of Simulation, provides. With over thirty years of FAA NSP management and qualification experience, we’re here to help organizations that want to increase the operational efficiency and effectiveness of their flight simulation devices. Methods of Simulation will equip technicians and managers with the tools they need to meet with the challenges and demands of operating, maintaining, and qualifying their Flight Simulator Training Devices (FSTD).

Each course is equally applicable to commercial, government and military applications. We designed and built each one based upon widely accepted evaluation practices used by the FAA and other simulator qualification authorities from around the world. We take each student through an in-depth analysis of the latest methods, techniques and processes, so that they can feel confident going into their simulation qualification test.

For more information and to sign up to receive updates on upcoming course launches, click HERE.

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Let’s chat! We have the solution for your industry.

1940 Garnet Ave, Suite 200
San Diego CA 92109

Phone +1 858 456 5296
Fax 858 456 5297