
“The Dark Side of Technological Advancement”

Australian Minister for Defence Senator John Faulkner addressed what he called “the dark side of technological advancement” here. Australia has a Cyberspace Security Operations Centre (CSOC) in Canberra. The CSOC works closely with Australian Computer Emergency Response Team (AusCERT), which addresses cyber warfare in business and higher education sectors.  

US Deputy Secretary of Defense, William J. Lynn III, urges the US to aggressively protect infrastructure networks in this article. Timing could not have been more critical. On July 9, ABC published this about contaminated computer components entering the US (and perhaps other countries?), increasing the vulnerability of cyber attack on corporations and government installations.

US Deputy Secretary Lynn said cyber warfare is an “asymmetrical threat”. Australian Minister for Defence Senator Faulkner called cyberspace “a battlefield itself”. If this is the new battlefield:

How can we be best address this threat with our limited resources?

Is it possible to form effective international partnerships to fight cyber warfare?

How do we balance the need for more secure isolated networks with the need for government, business and higher education sectors to work closely together?  


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