
Pac is attending the I/ITSEC 2022

Eric Rambow — PAC’s US CEO —, John Sharkey — Director of International and Commercial Programs —, and Nagel Sullivan — Director of US Government Programs —, will attend the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) in Orlando (FL) from 28 November to 2 December. I/ITSEC is the world’s largest modeling, simulation and training event and consists of peer-reviewed paper presentations, tutorials, special events, professional workshops, a commercial exhibit hall, a serious games competition, and STEM events for teachers and secondary students.

“We had a great experience at I/ITSEC last year, with the opportunity to showcase the GO2Altitude Hypoxia training system and our Methods of Simulation courseware to the Government and commercial entities. The interest in our Training and Simulation capability generated good leads, and we’re looking forward to connecting with partners and clients again this year”, comments John. 

In addition, PAC’s recent 5-year contract award with the United States Air Force (USAF) to provide our simulation course is a great accomplishment to share with the industry during the event. “Our team has a long history of supporting flight simulator evaluation, qualification and fidelity management, and a broader experience in aerospace support to the Government and military”, explains Nagel.

Click here to learn more about our Training and Simulation capability and here for our Methods of Simulation courseware.

Check more details about the I/ITSEC here.

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