Pacific Aerospace Consulting is proud to announce the completion of our first course delivery. PAC’s 8 Day Advanced Methods Course took place at the Miami Airbus Training Center in Miami Springs, FL in May. With a mixture of Pilots and Simulator Technician’s, our students dove into Advanced Principles that go beyond the standard textbook (FAR Part 60) and tapped the knowledge of our very experienced ex Federal Aviation Administration Instructors. Our instructors, Mr. Randy Banks and Mr. Joe Richards gave firsthand experience and detailed development of Qualification Test Guides and preparation for audits. Below are some pictures of our group in front of the full flight simulator utilized during lab sessions.
Interested in attending our next course? Commercial and military organizations can gain understanding of common evaluation practices used by the FAA and various simulator authorities around the world. This course offers a variety of classroom information and hands on lab time to equip each student with the tools and knowledge to prepare for an upcoming evaluation, or to help with their own internal testing plan. Our goal is to enable our customers to continuously improve aviation safety through knowledge and skills of Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) evaluation by using common industry standards and practical application of government regulations. Please contact us at or 858.456.5296.